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Math Formulas


The Western Australian Curriculum: Mathematics aims to ensure that students:

  • Are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens

  • Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability

  • Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.

At Wundowie Primary School we are committed to providing a balanced numeracy program that meets the expectations of the Western Australian curriculum and is specifically tailored to the needs of the students.  A consistent whole school approach continues to be developed and refined to ensure all students are given every opportunity to become successful numeracy learners.

Numeracy Blocks have been established and ensure common coverage of the curriculum. A whole school maths program called iMaths drives a consistent and investigative approach to the learning of mathematics across the year levels.

An explicit instructional model I Do, You Do, We Do is used to support teachers to plan for highly effective instruction and using clear targeted feedback to support students in their learning.  Teachers work collaboratively to implement our whole school focus areas: mental computation, problem solving and mathematical literacy.

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